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Data: Malaysian Government VS. Covid-19

COVID-19 has caused our government to issue a movement control order (MCO) which sets restrictions on Malaysians being outdoors. This was especially crucial in curbing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Feb 14, 2023

Read on to learn how Malaysians feel about the governments' initiatives during this crisis.

Some points to take note of are:

  • 58% say they are optimistic that Malaysia will recover from COVID-19 with zero new cases reported, while 5% say they are not at all optimistic.
  • 17% Malaysians think the governments recent initiative to help Malaysians during this period by reducing the employee's EPF mandatory contribution is not at all helpful, while 76% think the financial aid provided during this period is extremely useful.
  • 41% Malaysians foresee the MCO to last until the end of April, while 11% predict it will last until mid May.
  • 73% say that they will go out once the MCO is lifted, however, will limit their movements outdoors, while 12% say they will not go out for some time.
  • 67% of Bumiputera's say they are very optimistic that Malaysia will recover from COVID-19 with zero new cases reported, while 54% of Chinese and 42% of Indians/Others are only slightly optimistic.

Read the report


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The views and opinions expressed in the report above are an aggregate analysis taken from 1,100 respondents sampled according to Nationally Representative Malaysians of various Industries. This aggregate analysis does not mirror the values and opinions of Vase Technologies Sdn Bhd (1152290-M).

Vase Technologies is the operator of a platform to collect user opinions, and as such will not take any liability for the statements above. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, no party can be liable as the data above is taken in aggregate.



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