Part 2

Module 3: “Actual” Data Analysis

Analysing your data and putting it into a report can be the most challenging part of conducting your market research yourself. Data Detective shows you how to make use of your research objectives and accuracy-focused questionnaire design to perform a straightforward analysis that leads to a simple, easy-to-read research report that includes an executive summary and actionable next steps.

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Module 3 - Part 2

Step 3 of Data Analysis

  • Tips on creating your research report including
    • Data visualisation
    • Bucketing data points
    • Building scorecards
    • Analysing and comparing audience segments

Activity (slide 31)

Asset 1s (1)

Try your hand at bucketing data points and comparing audience segments

Watch next module

Module 3 - Part 3

Step 3 of Data Analysis (continued)

Tips on presenting meaningful insights, including

  • Using powerful stats as evidence
  • Citing your research
  • Making adjustments when the report is being
    read vs presented
  • And more!